Unlock the growth you dreamed of when you started your business.
Get results from strategies and proven methods that are tailored to your business’s unique challenges and opportunities.
By partnering with our clients personally, we understand what’s most important for them and help them get to where they want to be. Our Venture Strategists will help you identify the strategic actions to achieve your goals in the fastest time possible.
Strategic Planning
Facilitated Planning Day Workshop during which we’ll provide a framework to:
- Assess where you and your business is at.
- Target where you would like you and your business to be at in 12-months, and in 5 years’ time.
- Identify the strategic actions to achieve your goals in the fastest time possible.
- Monthly implementation coaching or mentoring to reduce the “Execution Gap”.

Growth Strategy
Develop a tailored, multi-disciplinary, growth strategy for your business stage that suits your market, offerings, and your business and personal goals. Monthly implementation coaching or mentoring to reduce the “Execution Gap".

Business Model Innovation
A 1-Day Facilitated Workshop that identifies opportunities for business growth, by:
- Identifying areas of value within your business that have untapped potential.
- Stream-lining the ‘How’ you do business to improve business operational performance.

Finance Strategy
Develop a tailored financial plan to ensure your business always has the cashflow it needs to deliver on its strategic plans – the right money in the right place at the right time to remove the “if only” impact on your goals from having insufficient funds.

Investor Ready
Get your business ready for investment capital to ensure you optimise the value exchange to prevent being marginalised.

Virtual CFO
Facilitated, strategy-focused mentoring program that delivers:
- Business operational performance improvement from a clear set of strategic KPIs.
- Connection between today’s operational activities and the financial results that you want from the business tomorrow.
- A KPI dashboard monitoring system to keep your finger on the pulse to achieve timely goal achievement.

Acquisition Strategy
Identify the strategic ‘best-fit’ acquisition target(s) and project manage the transaction to deliver on strategic growth plans.

Succession Planning
A tailored strategy to transition the business through multiple family generations.
- Harness the unique virtues of your family business to succeed in your market.
- Establish a proven framework that simplifies the complexities when family generations and business are integrated.
- Facilitate family and the business through the transition process across multiple generations.

Exit Strategy
A tailored strategy to realise the value of your business with an exit transaction.
- Independently establish the valuation of the business to ensure a transaction delivers on your wealth-creation objectives.
- Identify the specific strategic ‘drivers’ that will deliver a valuation premium in a transaction and match to a targeted list of potential acquirers.
- Transaction support to professionally negotiate you through the exit process to the desired outcome.

Hi-Growth Acceleration
No good NZ business should miss it’s destiny to be great.
- A collaborative, multi-disciplinary growth strategy to safely double your size in 2-3 years.
- Delivered in concert with Special Purpose Acceleration sister company, The Catalyst Collective.

Business Valuation
Independently assess the Enterprise or Share Value of your business or Intellectual Property through proven and current valuation methods and tailored to your business stage and valuation purpose.

Find out more about how we can tailor our services to your business
Get in touch to discuss your business and how we can help you grow your business.
Ready to unlock your business’ success-potential?
Get in touch to discuss how we can help you grow your business.
Unit 2 The Steel Works, 13 Coles Avenue, Mt Eden, Auckland

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